Tasty Brown Rice Stuffed Peppers TEST

PREHEAT oven to 350 degrees.

HEAT olive oil over medium heat in a large skillet. Add onion and sauté for 3 minutes or until onions are translucent. Add mushrooms and cook for 3 minutes. Add broccoli, corn kernels, carrots, and Tasty Bite® Organic Brown Rice and cook for 3 minutes.

CUT off the top of the bell peppers, remove seeds and stand upright in baking dish.

TAKE mixture off heat, fold in 1 cup parmesan cheese. Fill each pepper with mixture. Top with remaining 1/2 cup parmesan cheese. Add a splash of water to the bottom of the baking dish.

BAKE until filling is hot and cheese is melted, about 20 minutes.

For an extra kick of flavor top with sliced red chili pepper and freshly squeezed lime.


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